Submission guidelines
PressPress is possibly the smallest poetry publisher in the world but we are happy to hear from poets who think we might be interested in their work ... especially if they demonstrate that they take an active interest in PressPress by purchasing even one chapbook.
This is for two reasons: one, obviously, is that PressPress needs to make some sort of income; two, it's important that a prospective PressPress poet know what sort of thing we publish. You need to know what sort of chapbooks we put out: appearance, content, presentation. You usually won't find them in bookshops: you can only get them at readings, from authors or from this site.
You can also forget the idea that you can pay us to publish you. PressPress is not a vanity press or a self-publishing outfit. The modest chapbooks are chosen by PressPress because they are interesting, demanding in some way, and where the poets are good to work with.
That out of the way ...
How to submit
First look at this site. Browse through the poet's links and read their sample poems to get an idea of the sort of work that has been published in the past, then buy your chapbook.
Next, email PressPress directly. A manuscript is about 40pp. Be aware that we have a backlog already.
Don’t post a hardcopy manuscript. Save the trees and use email.(I’m aware some people don’t have email. If that applies to you, you will have to use snail mail, but I do discourage it.) Your manuscript should be in a single, digital, document in a common program eg Word or Pages or as a pdf.
We look forward to seeing some interesting work from you.
PO Box 94
Berry NSW 2535